

☞ So many different and opposing— let alone ridiculous— takes on the current pandemonium call out for comment. First off, “pandemonium” is the better label than “pandemic,” which only refers to a mass infection. Pandemonium translates literally as “all demon action,” and that’s the scale of the many who’re busy causing an infection of mass […]

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Walden Two Point Two


  The book store in Kona, Hawaii, is like a literary burial ground. Maybe people come to Hawaii with a book from their past library and probably don’t want to pack it back home. There I found that kind of relic, a copy of a paperback circulating in the late 60s (might still be). Even […]

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All Roses Matter


☞ This is the time of year when the roses become a terror. I didn’t plant the durn things; they came with the house. And when they bloom in spring, they pop out in such profusion it’s almost a full-time job in trimming and collecting. I try to ignore them, but they have such a […]

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The Great Global Apocalyptic Sweepstakes


It should be easy enough even for a jarghead to grasp that diseases are named according to regions of outbreak origin. That reveals its vector of progress, or how it spreads. So some folks really should get the spring rolls out of their butts which seem to keep them stuck in the low bowing kow […]

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  Heeding journal tradition— mixed with a dash of ornery curmudgeon behavior— The Trying Times offers its political endorsement regarding the ongoing electoral travesty. Moreover, our endorsement is delivered in contrast to the mountains of horse manure presently circulating ad infinitum, and it will be cast rather in bumper sticker brevity. It goes as follows: […]

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Just What Is A JARGHEAD?


“The only striking effect of having taught everyone to read and write is that the human beings of lowest intelligence are now vocal instead of being dumb, as they were in the past.” Aldous Huxley, “Outlook For American Culture” Notes Toward A Definition: JARGON LINGO, JARGHEAD STAPLES, OR JINGO JANGLES Jargheads are making so much […]

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Magnificat Miracle


In learning to live with a serious mental condition, not only am I undergoing severe— if not pathological— nostalgia, some memories make the situation even more serious. How serious? Well, one recollection got me thinking about miracles. On the road recently and heading for St. Louis, one of the more severe strokes of nostalgia struck […]

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Racism Lite: Deconstructing Reconstruction


☞ How do you prefer your racism, dark or lite? Racism dark seems fairly hard to come by in these parts. Not like when my mother was a fifteen year-old girl, fresh from Sicily and staying with relatives in San Jose, California. She witnessed one of the estimated 4800 post-civil war lynches. Fresh off the […]

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Shocked Troops


Shocked troopers form a wall, a border wall, but not between countries. It’s a membrane of osmosis whereby fashionist principles of an enraged mob pass through riled brains into ideologies, sacred Isms, and these notions collectively harden into fascistic state control. Shocked troops work as absorbent material to soak up guilt. Being constantly shocked is […]

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You Can; I Wouldn’t


☞   “Those who understand jokes are many; those who understand true laughter are few.”                  Hakuin Ekaku 1686-1768 ☞   As readers may already know, an honored paper pappy of the past at 3T is Democritus, the early Greek thinker who became known in his later years as the […]

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