Invasion By Osmosis

Invasion By Osmosis

Hamlet asked, “If every man got his just desserts, who would escape whipping?” So far, considering all the mistakes made, there is a personal gratitude for escaping the worst of life consequences. Grateful doesn’t even cover it, this moment after the official recognition of thanksgiving. Lucky to be here so far is just a start. But more so, lucky to be around to see others face their just desserts, icing on the political cake.

☞ Take a look at present fools holding office, as fate would see them. The rundown of their failures, foreign and domestic, are plain enough. But the White House holds the greatest. A previous screed in 3T awarded the Peter Prize for highest level of incompetence to the present and fading president. Only a few highlights of Delaware skullduggery: a fifty-year senatorial set up an environment for credit card interest usury and other assorted corporate hanky panky of the Delaware mafia, using Ukraine as a fund raiser long before the invasion, plagiarism the least transgression among a pile of chicanery enlisting family as gangsters.

☞ But the daily visual reminder of just desserts for Biden and his crew is too delicious not to taste once more. For the entire crew of Crats, they have mostly their just reward— or payment, rather— for ignorance or malfeasance in god awful attempts at screwing up the system. Let Rachel Madcow and her covens of shocked troops take the pain in their own asses for a change. Of their nominal leader, however, there is the added knock that comes from age. Again quoting Hamlet: “Be all thy sins remembered.”

☞ Even in that dull-witted Biden brain— the one barely passing its legal exam after law school plagiarism— there has to be a stirring of a human conscience. Whether there is an actual Hell or not, anyone past the age of fifty knows how wickedly the brain can dredge up its own Inferno of past indiscretions and general fuckups. And this could be for the memory of merely saying something stupid thirty years ago!

☞ Imagine, though, a mind dealing with falls and bowel movements of international recognition, in addition to all the other injuries that mind schemed up. Falling for a show biz schedule for retreat from Afghanistan on a special day, like a true communist spectacle day, and making it ironically special by putting soldiers in harm’s way and a spectacular arming of a reliable enemy. And the unfolding of skullduggery in Ukraine is still forthcoming. But to this addled mind, the choicest bit of irony in the whole lot is the grossest lie of all: constant allegation of a political foe as the reincarnation of Hitler.

☞ Let’s hear it again: Trump is supposedly the new Hitler. Well, about that, what would be the comparison between Hitler and Trump? In his administration Trump made no moves of conquest toward foreign nations. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Peace, as reporting went in those days, was breaking out all over, especially in light of the Abraham Accords in the Middle East. And even African nations were throwing in.

☞ On the other hand, the father of that Hitler lie, Biden, was managing some kind of direction with Ukraine, as reported by his own loud mouth when vice-president. And dollars were marshaled, along with media coercion,  to protect the chicanery of offshoot Biden showing up in Ukraine. Furthermore, in early days of the Russian invasion, fears concerning bio labs were mentioned. This should come out later.

☞ But on to the point of comparison. The world got to know Hitler full well after the invasion of Poland. Again, no such invasions during the Trump administration. The very opposite of invasion was the byword, what with tariffs and agreement withdrawals. Biden, on the other sinister hand, created his own invasion on the first day of taking office.

☞ We call it here at 3T invasion by osmosis, the laziest of its kind. That is, the leader as transgressor doesn’t have to lift a finger, just a gate. Invaders are invited in with more lasting effects than if rockets were shot and tanks rolled over the border. Rockets and tanks may be repelled by troops and ordinance. Against mamacitas and ninos, not so much.

☞ Osmosis occurs when a permeable cell wall absorbs a foreign material into its nucleus. In like manner, gross injections of foreign material was introduced at the national border: battalions of vicious gangs, Chinese in uniform dress, jihaders and dopers, dealers in sex and slaves to supply them, all mixed in with the basic bulk of humanity for overloading the system. The invasion utilized schemes of historic enemy disrupters like Cloward and Piven, inspired by Saul Alinsky, who brought down New York in overload duress to bankrupt the city. Early model for the future.

☞ By direction of the actual Hitler look-alike from Delaware, calling for a similar overload invasion of protoplasm, actually transporting them in with tax dollars or aided by a corrupt United Nations, the country is in a state of what a biological observer might see as “osmotic shock.” That’s when the cell becomes overloaded with the intrusion of poisonous material and explodes.

☞ With an infected cell, swelling occurs. Bearing evidence of osmotic shock, invasion by osmosis is only the first stage. Replicating the jihad tactic of conquering America through “the wombs of our women,” the swelling effect of anchor babies will insure that the patient probably won’t on the whole get much better. Interest in Washington and Jefferson will likely be considered pathology.

☞ If the situation gets any worse, and the disease spreads, we may actually need the services of Elon Musk for aid in radical departure— the way e e cummings diagnosed the situation in “pity this busy monster, manunkind:”

…We doctors
know a hopeless case if— listen: there’s a hell
of a good universe next door; let’s go!

JoCo, Dec 2024