Sing To Me Sweetly


The Democrat convention in Chicago turned out with all the pathos and joy as advertised. It made itself glorious by showing peek holes into greater and greater shares to be scammed out of the US exchequer, or as Mencken called it, the national swag. For this viewer, the mix was so rich it was hard […]

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Build The Wall Back Better


Following logic of earlier surmise, when a system fails its citizens, there follows an urge in the citizenry to take charge in correcting that dire situation. Since the reigning progressive government is at present wanting to have its cake and eating it too, and at the expense of those who wish to keep some of […]

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One Man, One Dubious Vote


First time hearing of Planned Parenthood, I didn’t know much about their operation, but their slogan seemed effective: “Whatever your cause, it’s a lost cause without planned parenthood.” Given the pressure of population, it sounded reasonable. At the time, it sounded reasonable. Who was to know what antics they were up to, eh? But the […]

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News from Network


A monument dedicated to Paddy Chayefsky could rightfully be placed at the entrance of every media establishment. A solid image of the playwright author of Network would serve as a reminder, a talisman, the same as the Roman slave in the chariot standing behind an emperor waving to a cheering populace. The lowly man held […]

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Reign of Error


Substitute teacher duty is a contrary exercise: terror signaling celebration. The entrance of the “sub” into the classroom signals Mardi Gras. A remarkable pageant to behold, an ordinary ritalin riddled middle school class alchemically converted into a celebration of puberty in its most lovable form. Everything upside down for the day while the Prince of […]

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No Room for Celia


She could have been with the IRA. “The troubles” in Ireland were stoutly brewing at the time. But it was hard to imagine Celia fusing bombs. She was too fun-loving for that. An infectious laugh from the look of a 50s movie star like Audrey Hepburn, she was Northern Irish with an English accent. No, […]

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City Mouse Country


“Town air maketh the man free” was an expression circulating in the late Middle Ages as cities became full-blown, expanding in number and greater importance. That sentiment obviously purposed to comfort city dwellers, and with good reason. The town offered a security the hinterland lacked. Villages were prey to every brand of marauder, from Mongolian […]

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Children Of The Night


☞ Halloween is past, but the mood lingers on. Perhaps it’s because every day seems like Halloween, and all saints day is far away. ☞ In a season of vampires, we’re going out on a limb here at 3T and declare Bela Lugosi the best Dracula yet. Gary Oldham runs honorable second, being expert at […]

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Mimi Umma


Boy, it’s no wonder Mimi had to oust Sigmund Freud out of the Umma… ☞ Okay, let’s not go off half-cocked without defining terms. Most folks have an idea who Sigmund Freud was, but Mimi? Such is simply a name for that group of humble martyrs cleaving to their collective Umma. Those whose personal is […]

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Peccary Love


Sadly, people, unthinking people, often refer to pigs and pork in negative tones. Worse yet, they malign basically intelligent animals by comparing them to a species not much higher on the evolutionary scale: to wit, political animals. ☞ When it comes to their own kind, pigs— and peccaries in particular— are most tender in their […]

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